Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Synopsis of the Homily on July 4th - Independence Day

1) This is a day to thank God for the political and religious freedom we enjoy and
to pray for God’s special blessings on the rulers and the people of our country.

2) It is a day to remember with gratitude the founding fathers of our democratic
republic, especially, Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration
of Independence, and James Madison, the architect of the Constitution who
believed that all power, including political power, came from God and was
given to the people who entrusted this power to their elected leaders.

3) It is a to remember and pray for all our brave soldiers who made the supreme
sacrifice of their lives to keep this country a safe and a free country and who
are now engaged in the fight against terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan.

4) It is day to remember the basic principle underlined in the constitution that
that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with
certain unalienable rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of

5) It is day to remind ourselves that we have a duty to protect these God-given
rights by voting into power leaders who believe in God and who have
character, integrity, experience and belief in inalienable human rights.

6) It is day to fight for the fundamental right to life denied to pre-born children
to grow and develop in their mothers’ wombs and to the sick and the elderly
to die gracefully without fearing euthanasia.

7) It is day to pray for and work for liberation for all those who are still slaves in
our free country – slaves to evil habits and addictions to nicotine, alcohol,
drugs, pornography, promiscuity and sexual aberrations.

8) It is a day to take a pledge to become recommitted to doing something about
our own growth in Christ, and as Americans who contribute something to our
religion, Church and country, and to the lives of others.

9) It is a day to raise our voice of protest against liberal, agnostic and atheistic
political leaders, media bosses and activist, liberal judges who deny religious
and moral education to our young citizens.

10) It is a day to offer our country and all its citizens on the altar of God asking
His special providential care, protection and blessings.

Introduction: Today’s scriptures remind us that announcing the good news of the kingdom by words, deeds and life is not the task of only a few,but is rather a task for all baptized Christians.
Scripture lessons: In the first reading, Isaiah sees the city ofJerusalem as the prototype of the rejoicing Church—the Church whocomforts her children, “as a mother comforts her baby son.” He assureshis listeners that they live in the certainty of Yahweh’s promises oflove, protection, prosperity and salvation. In today’s second reading (Galatians 6: 14-18), Paul clearly teaches that it was Jesus’ death onthe cross which brings us salvation and not his Jewish heritage. Hereminds us that every Christian is called to be a “new creature,” andthat the mission of each member of the Church is to bear witness to thesaving power of the cross of Christ through a life of sacrificial andself-giving service. Today’ gospel according to Luke describes thefulfillment of the prophetic promise made by Isaiah in Jesus’commissioning of 72 disciples to preach the gospel in towns andvillages in preparation for his visit. He gives them “travel tips” for their missionary journey. They must be walking witnesses of God’s providence by relying on the hospitality of others, living very simple lives, preaching the good news and healing the sick. Today’s gospel reminds us that the 1.5 billion Christians in the world today have the same mission to preach the gospel of Christ to the other 4.5 billion non-Christians.
Life Messages: 1) We need to continue the preaching mission: Just as Jesus in today’s gospel gave instructions to the seventy-two missionaries, he also gives each one of us a mission to carry out. As faithful Christians we should attract others to our faith by exemplary lives just as a rose attracts people by its beauty and fragrance. It’s our job and our responsibility. We must not miss the current opportunities to be apostles in everyday life by our words and deeds.

2) We need to avoid the counter-witnessing of practicing the “supermarket Catholicism” of our politicians who publicly proclaim their “Catholicism” and yet support abortion, gay marriage, human cloning and experimentation with human embryos. Nor should we be “armchair Catholics” “cafeteria Catholics” or “Sunday Catholics” who bear counter-witness to Christ through their lives.

3) Let us start preaching the gospel in our families by leading exemplary Christian lives where spouses love and respect each other and raise their children in the spirit of obedience and service, disciplining them with forgiving love and teaching them to pray, love and help others by sharing their blessings.
XIV SUNDAY- JULY 8: IS 66:10-14; GAL. 6:14-18, LUKE 10: 1-12, 17-20-L
# 1: 001- James Bond and Jesus’ disciples. James Bond according to M15 is simply unacceptable as a spy. At least that is what MI5 said recently. In March 2003, MI5--Great Britain's domestic intelligence agency--reported that characters like James Bond are too tall to serve as a spy in Her Majesty's Service because good spies should blend in with those around them. Since the average man is 6' tall or less, then the upper acceptable height limit for Great Britain's male spies is 5' 11" and for female spies, the upper limit is 5' 8". All the actors who have played James Bond in the movies have been 6' or taller. By MI5's current standards, none of them would have been qualified to serve as real domestic spies. A secret agent can't exactly keep his secret status if he stands out too much. ( - James Bond "too tall" to be a spy - Mar 6, 2004, International Edition London, England (Reuters). I doubt that Jesus chose his disciples on the basis of their height, do you? As he sent them out into the world, he certainly didn't seem concerned that they would stand out too much. In fact, he warned them that they would stand out as walking witnesses of Jesus’ good news -and that their mission could be dangerous.

Anecdote # 2: One-man army for Christ: The story of St. Philip Neri,who earned the title “Apostle of Rome” in the 16th century, is anexample of missionary zeal demanded by today’s gospel. Philip came down toRome in the early 1500s as an immigrant from Florence and a layman.When he arrived, he was horrified by the physical and moral devastation of thecity. Rome had been sacked in 1527 by the Germans who had left much of thecity shell-shocked and ruined. The Gospel wasn’t being preached, andmany priests and cardinals were living in open defiance of Christ’smoral teachings. Philip prayed to God to learn what he might do. Heread the letters that St. Francis Xavier had sent back to Europe fromIndia, where he had been converting tens of thousands, and Philipthought that God was calling him to follow the great Basque missionaryto India, to give his life in proclaiming the Gospel. He went to hisspiritual director and told him what he thought God was asking of him.The wise old priest affirmed his desire to serve and bear witness toChrist, but told him to focus his attention on re-evangelizing thosearound him: “Rome is to be your India!” This was quite a task for oneman. But Philip, relying on God’s help, started — first as a layman,then as a priest — to convert Rome, one person at a time. He wouldcheerfully go to street corners and say, “Friends, when are we going to start to do good?” He developed various entertaining social and religious activities to give the people, especially the young people, better alternatives for their hearts and time than those offered by the debauched culture around them. His impact was enormous, and when he died in 1595, much of Rome had been reconverted. The same God who spoke to Philip almost five hundred years ago challenges eachone of us this morning through the Scriptures, “Your parish and yourfamily, your workplace and your parish are your mission field!”
Introduction: Today’s gospel describes how Jesus sent his disciples out to towns and villages to prepare for his visit by giving them “travel tips” for their missionary journey. This reminds us that announcing the good news of the kingdom is not the task of only a few, but is rather a task for all. Following the model of Jesus, the Church rejoices in the triumphs and accomplishments of her children. She constantly nourishes them, directs them, consoles them and gives them strength. In the first reading, Isaiah sees the city of Jerusalem asthe prototype of the rejoicing Church—the Church who comforts her children, “as a mother comforts her baby son.” He assures his listeners that they live in the certainty of Yahweh’s promises of love, protection, prosperity and salvation. In the words of the Psalmist, “we rejoice in the awesome deeds of God who keeps us among the living and will not let our foot slip.” In today’s second reading (Galatians 6: 14-18), Paul clearly teaches that it is Jesus’ death on the cross which brings us salvation and not his Jewish heritage. Paul reminds us that every Christian is called to be a “new creature,” and that the mission of each member of the Church is to bear witness to the saving power of the cross of Christ through a life of sacrificial and self-giving service. Today’s gospel according to Luke describes the fulfillment of the prophetic promise made by Isaiah in Jesus’ commissioning of 72 disciples to preach the gospel in towns and villages in preparation for Jesus’ visit. The 1.5 billion Christians in the world today have the same mission to preach the gospel of Christ to the other 4.5 billion non-Christians.
First reading, Isaiah 66:10-14: The prophet Isaiah is encouraging the Jews returning from Babylonian exile to see their beloved city of God, Jerusalem, alive under its ruins. In poetic and symbolic language, he describes the prosperity and peace which the New Jerusalem will give them. Both the Holy City of Jerusalem and God are presented in the image of a mother. The prophet offers a maternal image of God. The returned exiles will have the experience of a child being fondled by its loving mother. They will be like suckling infants enjoying the comfort and nurture of a mother because the city will give them the experience of Yahweh’s love and care, the Temple of Jerusalem will represent God’s presence in their midst and "the Lord's power shall be known to his servants." The prophet calls on his fellow-Jews to rejoice and be glad because Jerusalem will be greater, more peaceful and more prosperous than she ever was before. Today’ gospel according to Luke describes the fulfillment of the prophetic promise made by Isaiah in the seventy-two disciples as they returned after completing their mission. Second Reading, Galatians 6:14-18: These are the concluding words of Paul’s letter to the Galatians. Shortly after Paul left Galatia, some ultra-conservative Judeo-Christians ("Judaizers”) arrived there from Jerusalem. They taught that, since the historical Jesus was Jewish, circumcised and observed the Torah, his disciples also had to be Jewish and circumcised and had to observe the Torah. So Paul wrote a letter to those in Galatia who were disturbed and confused by these new teachings. Paul was angry with the Galatians for their stupidly in accepting the false arguments of the Judaizers. In the letter Paul argues forcefully that God requires no such thing, and that keeping such a false obligation is nothing to boast about. Astonishingly,Paul boasts about what would otherwise be shameful, the execution of Jesus on the cross. "Crucified to the world" is another strong image, meaning that Paul's relationship with the world is no longer governed by the old Mosaic Law or anything else from the past, but by his relationship with Christ crucified.

Exegesis: Travel tips for the seventy-two walking witnesses on their first mission trip: While all the synoptic Gospels mention a mission of the Twelve, only Luke adds a second mission of the 72. Just as Moses selected the seventy-two elders to guide and govern his people, so Luke presents Jesus as the “new Moses” in today’s gospel. Jesus sends out his seventy-two disciples to towns and villages to announce his visit, thus giving a symbolic meaning to the number seventy-two. The Jews also believed that there were seventy-two nations in thewhole world, and they had seventy-two members in the Sanhedrin, the supreme council of the Jews. In the Book of Genesis, seventy descendants of Jacob moved with him from Israel to Egypt to begin a new life. In the Book of Exodus, seventy elders go up the Mountain of God along with Moses to learn about the new covenant with YHWH. Each of us, by the very fact that we have heard the Lord's call, is likewise sent on a mission. Hence, announcing the good news of thekingdom is not something optional for a Christian. The disciples received instructions as to how they were to carry out their mission. For example, they were to "carry no money bag, no sack, no sandals." There is also an ominous warning that they are sent as “lambs among wolves.” Their guidelines were simple: go where they were received (verses 5-6); remain in one place (verse 7) and eat what was set before them (verse 8). This would help them avoid the appearance of being mercenary. The basic idea behind Jesus’ instruction is that his disciples were sent as walking witnesses and hence they were not todepend on anything or anybody except on the Holy Spirit of God and on divine providence.
1)”Ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers to the harvest.” The mission of the seventy-two disciples was not a human project, and hence they needed strength from God to do the work. In proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, we, too, participate in God’s work. It is the Lord who is working in and through us. He gives us the power to announce his presence with our lives. Therefore, constant contact with the Lord of the harvest is necessary. This means that we must be men and women of prayer -- not only for an hour a week at Mass but on a daily basis.
2) "Do not carry a walking staff or traveling bag; wear no sandals." In Jesus’ day, travelers carried a stick as a defense against snakes and wild animals, and used sandals as an aid in traveling along dusty roads and rocky byways. Likewise, a change of clothing as well as food and drink were thought necessary—but Jesus forbade all these. His command was that the disciples should give up even thesenecessities so as to be both a living act of faith in God and “walking signs” to those who saw them. The disciples were only armed with their faith and the name of Jesus. They needed nothing more. Their detachment from material goods would enable them to uphold the absolute priority of preaching the Good News. They did not need a staff or provisions because God would take care of them through the people to whom they were to preach. The spirit of detachment would also help them to trust more deeply in Divine Providence and would oblige them to rely humbly on the hospitality of those who were receptive to the Gospel. Their life-style should help proclaim their message: "The reign of God is at hand." In other words, "God is among you as Jesus of Nazareth, working with power."
3) "Greet no one along the way." (See also 2 Kings 4:29). This instruction implies that the mission was so urgent that nothing should divert the disciples from it. Likewise, the disciples were told to travel in pairs, suggesting that the work of evangelization should be a collective one.
4) Acceptance and rejection: One of the reasons we prefer to delegate our Lord's evangelistic work to priests, religious and missionaries is that we fear rejection. When by our words and lifestyles we tell others about Jesus, we sometimes find ourselves labeled as “religious fanatics," “Bible-thumpers,” or perhaps, simply as “old-fashioned.” Many times we take the rejection personally. So Jesus consoles us: "Let your peace come back to you.” This means, “Don’t take it personally. You have done your part, so don’t worry about the outcome.” He goes on, telling them, “Rejoice because your names are written in heaven” in the book of life! It is not up to us to force anyone to accept Jesus. Our mission is to prepare the way. If aperson's heart is open, the Lord will enter in.
5) Preach that the kingdom of God is at hand. The kingdom of God comes into being wherever God reigns, and wherever His will is done. The kingdom of God is present in the people through whom God acts. “Hence the early church equated Christ with the kingdom of God because God reigns in Christ, God’s will is done in Christ and God acts through Christ” (Lumen Gentium, #5). Thus to proclaim the kingdom of God is the same as to proclaim Christ. In fact, the Church from its beginning, by proclaiming the good news of Christ, was being faithful to his mandate to proclaim the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God has come upon us if God reigns in our hearts, if we do God's will, if God acts through us.
Life Messages: 1) We need to continue the preaching mission: Just as Jesus in today’s gospel gives instructions to the seventy-two missionaries, he also gives each one of us a mission to carry out. There were just a handful of followers in Jesus’ day to preach the good news, but today there are over one billion Roman Catholics and about a half billion other Christians (in 30,000 denominations!) who accept Jesus as “Lord” and “Savior.” So there are 1.5 billion missionaries in a world of six billion people. A recent survey asked the question, “Why do adults join the Catholic Church in spite of the scandals publicized in the media?” Seventy-five percent of the new adult converts to the Catholic Church reported that they were attracted by a personal invitation from a Catholic who had alively relationship with Christ and his Church. As faithful Catholics, we will attract others to the Catholic Church—just as a rose attracts people by its beauty and fragrance. It’s our job. It’s our responsibility. We must not miss the current opportunities to be apostles in everyday life by our words and deeds.
2) We need to avoid counter-witnessing: The Church is founded on the rock of Peter, a humble, ignorant fisherman who died for the Lord he loved. Compare his faith and heroic witnessing with the “supermarket Catholicism” of our politicians who publicly proclaim their “Catholicism” and yet support abortion, gay marriage, human cloning and experimentation with human embryos. We should not be “Catholics for a Free Choice” who oppose anything proposed by the Church, including the most basic right to life. Nor should we be armchairCatholics, spiritual weekend warriors, “cafeteria Catholics” or “barely-make-it-to-Mass” members of the Church, who bear counter-witness to Christ. Instead of giving counter-witness, let us become heralds of the Kingdom in our own homes by treating each other with profound respect. When spouses respect each other, the children and our neighbors will experience the Kingdom in our families because the kingdom of God is God’s rule in our hearts enabling us to do His will.
3) The modern world needs the heroic witnessing of martyrs. The earlywriters of the Church never called the first Christians “martyrs,” inthe modern sense of the word, but rather those who died “givingwitness” (martyrein) to Christ. The most important element wasn’ttheir deaths; it was their fidelity to their faith until the last moment oftheir lives. Martyrs are not people to be relegated to the distantpast. Recent history abounds with examples of martyrdom: civil war inSpain, religious persecution in Poland, Mexico, Vietnam, Russia,China, and Africa. The names of Edith Stein (Germany), MaximilianKolbe (Poland), Miguel Pro (Mexico), and Pedro Poveda (Spain) are onlythe beginning of a long list of innocent victims, witnesses for theirfaith. Even today, religious freedom is still denied in variouscountries and, in fact, several Muslim nations forbid the celebrationof the sacraments. In our day, there are also “moral martyrs” who,although they are never physically killed, die an ignominious death,persecuted in the press, defamed in the media and falsely accused offaults they never committed. As successors of the seventy-twodisciples, we are called upon to do Christ’s work with the courage ofthese martyrs’ convictions.
JOKES OF THE WEEK (on the preaching mission).
# 1 The definition of a good sermon: It should have a good beginningand a good ending and they should be as close together as possible. Asermon should be modeled as a woman's dress: long enough to cover thesubject, but short enough to keep it interesting. A rule of thumb forpreachers: If after ten minutes you haven't struck oil, stop boring! Apastor was greeting folks at the door after the service. A woman said,"Father, that was a very good sermon." The pastor says, "Oh, I have togive the credit to the Holy Spirit." "It wasn't THAT good!" she says.A priest, whose sermons were very long and boring, announced in thechurch on a Sunday that he had been transferred to another church andthat it was Jesus' wish that he leave that week. The congregation inthe church got up and sang: "What a Friend we have in Jesus!"
# 2: Boring preacher: A man was walking a pit bull down the road. The dog got away, ran up to a preacher and bit him on the knee. Then the dog went acrossthe street and bit a beautiful young woman. The owner was broughtbefore a judge who asked, "Why did your dog bite the preacher?" Theman answered, "I don't know! He's never done anything like thatbefore." Then the judge asked, "Well why did he bite the young woman?"The owner replied, "Oh that's easy to answer! Probably he wanted toget the taste of that boring preacher out of his mouth!"
# 3: Place of amusement: A pastor who was well known for the jokes he told during his sermons asked Park Benjamin, a famous humorist, why he never came to hear him preach. Benjamin replied, "Why, Sir, the fact is, I haveconscientious scruples against going to places of amusement onSunday."# 4: Abraham Lincoln put it rather strongly but effectively, when hesaid: "I do not care for cut-and-dried sermons. When I hear a manpreach I like to see him act as if he were fighting a bumblebee. “USEFUL WEBSITES OF THE WEEK
1) Daily Catholic:

2) EWTNLibrary:
(Scriptural homilies No. 343 by Fr. Tony (

Additional anecdotes: # 1: Albert Schweitzer, the missionary doctor and Nobel Laureate, was born in 1875 in the region of Alsace, an area claimed vigorously both by France and Germany. Schweitzer was always attracted to scholarship and to hisfather’s ministry in the Church as pastor. He earned degrees inTheology and Philosophy while at the same time serving as a curate fora small congregation. And he kept that small ministry even when he wasteaching at a prestigious university and writing a foundational workof theology, Quest of the Historical Jesus, in 1905. Schweitzer alsoachieved renown as an authority on the music of J.S. Bach. Anorganist of international repute, he produced a great edition ofBach’s works and wrote a six-hundred page study of the composer. Oneday he chanced upon a notice in a magazine describing the need fordoctors in Africa. And so he decided to leave behind all hisaccomplishments and answer the call. His friends and colleaguesthought he was mad. But his mind was made up. He earned a medicaldegree with a specialty in tropical diseases and presented himself tothe Paris Missionary Society which sent him with his wife to the areaof Africa now called Gabon. Within months he had designed and builtan African-village-style hospital. He tried by his work as amissionary doctor to relate Christianity to the sacredness of life inall its forms. He followed strictly the guidelines for the preachingand healing mission Jesus gave to the seventy-two disciples asdescribed in today’s gospel and became one of the great Christianmissionaries of the twentieth century.

# 2: The story “Picture of Peace” by Catherine Marshall. There once was a king who offered a prize to the artist who would paint the best picture on peace. Many artists tried. The king looked at all the pictures. But there were only two he really liked, and he had to choose between them. One picture was of a calm lake. The lake was a perfect mirror for peaceful towering mountains allaround it. Overhead was a blue sky with fluffy white clouds. All whosaw this picture thought that it was a perfect picture of peace. Theother picture too had mountains. But these were rugged and bare. Abovewas an angry sky, from which rain fell and in which lightning played.Down the side of the mountain tumbled a foaming waterfall. This didnot look peaceful at all. But when the king looked closely, he sawbehind the waterfall a tiny bush growing in a crack in the rock. Inthe bush a mother bird had built her nest. There, in the midst of therush of angry water, sat the mother bird on her nest – in perfectpeace. Which picture do you think won the prize? The king chose thesecond picture. Do you know why? “Because,” explained the king,“peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise,trouble, or hard work. Peace means to be in the midst of all thosethings and still be in calm in your heart. This is the real meaning ofpeace.” This Sunday’s Gospel reading (Lk 10:1-12, 17-20) tells usabout the mission of the seventy-two disciples who are called to bepeace-bearers and peace givers. (Stories for the Heart, compiled byAlice Gray) (Scr. Hom- Fr. T)
# 3: Kim the missionary: A true story told by Father Ray. A couple ofmonths ago, a man from our parish, Kim by name, came up to me andsaid, "Fr. Ray, please say an extra prayer for me. I’m giving a talkthis afternoon to some high school teenagers at a public school, whichmy nephew attends. This year his class has been having ‘motivationalspeakers’ talk about how they have overcome the obstacles anddifficulties they’ve faced in their lives. My nephew asked me to comeand share my story." Fr. Ray said to him, "That’s a public school, youknow. Do you plan to tell them everything?” He asked that questionbecause he knew Kim’s story. Kim’s stepson had been murdered, hisstepdaughter had died of cancer a week after she graduated from highschool and his wife had been killed in a car accident. Prior to thesetragedies Kim had lived the life of a pagan and hadn’t even beenbaptized. In the midst of the terrible sadness caused by thesetragic events, however, he had opened his heart to God and embraced theCatholic faith. So Father Ray knew that if Kim were going to tell themeverything—including the part about the Church and sacraments—theofficials at the school might not like it. So Fr. Ray repeated thequestion, "Do you plan to tell them everything?” Without hesitation,Kim answered, "Absolutely!" Fr. Ray then told him, "Then I’lldefinitely pray for you – and if you get arrested for mentioning God,Jesus and the Catholic Church in a public school, I promise to comeand visit you in prison!”
Kim gave the talk. And what happened? The young people loved it! Theythought it was so great that they voted him "the best speaker of theyear," and asked him to return in the fall to tell his story to thewhole school! This current incident illustrates the deep hunger forGod still present in this materialistic world, and shows that youngpeople like to hear authentic, sincere, witnessing to Jesus Christ. Intoday’s Gospel text (Luke 10), we are told that Jesus sent outseventy-two disciples into the towns he was planning to visit, toprepare people for his arrival. The disciples were to do this byproclaiming the good news of God’s love and salvation and by healingthe sick. This is what Kim did for those high school students! Hehealed the sick of heart by his words of witness, and he helpedprepare some of them to receive Jesus Christ more fully into theirlives! (Scr. Hom- Fr. T)
# 4: Travel guides: Savvy travelers about to embark on a trip oftenprepare themselves by consulting the appropriate experts. A wealth ofhelpful information can be found in the form of travel guides whichare readily available at any local library or bookstore. Therein,amateur tourists and veteran globe-trotters alike, can become familiarwith what there is to see and to do in their chosen destination. Mapsof the region aid in planning travel routes. Charts of averagetemperatures and rainfalls, addresses and telephone numbers of touroperators, timetables for buses and trains, calendars of specialevents, tables of the monetary exchange rate and listings of localmuseums, galleries, post offices, markets, banks, etc., all provehelpful to those who wish their travels to be uneventful andworry-free. Many guide books also include a region by regiondescription of the most important and interesting sites to visit aswell as a brief survey of the history of the area and a profile ofpersonality of the local residents. Budget-minded or financially-strapped travelers usually appreciate the travel-guides’ recommendations as to the price ranges of various restaurants, hotels and motels. Some guides contain descriptions and recommendations as to the local cuisine and certain gourmet specialties. Many also provide a brief dictionary of important words and useful phrases to facilitate the travelers’ efforts at communication. A few of the more detailed travel books even offer tips concerning certain mores and culturalsensitivities of which the average tourist may be unaware. More oftenthan not, those who avail themselves of such information enjoy morepleasant and memorable travel experiences. In today’s gospel, Luke hasfeatured Jesus detailing a list of travel tips and information of avery different sort; while this advice may not compare to that whichis included in a Fodor’s or a Michelin or any other such guide, it isnevertheless valuable and necessary for every would-be disciple.(Patricia Datchuck Sánchez)

# 5: There is a funny story about two young Mormon missionaries who were going door to door. They knocked on the door of one woman who was not at all happy to see them. The woman told them in no uncertain terms that she did not want to hear their message and slammed the door in their faces. To her surprise, however, the door did not close and, in fact, almost magically bounced back open. She tried again, really putting her back into it and slammed the door again with the same amazing result--the door bounced back open. Convinced that one of the young religious zealots was sticking their foot in the door, she reared back to give it a third slam. She felt this would really teach them a lesson. But before she could act, one of them stopped her and politely said, "Ma'am, before you do that again, you really should move your cat."

# 6: When Someone Is Drowning: There was an interesting story in Readers Digest sometime back by Elise Miller Davis titled, "When Someone Is Drowning, It's No Time To Teach Him How to Swim." Ms. Davis tells of sitting near a swimming pool one day and hearing a commotion. A head was bobbing in and out of the deepest water. Ms. Davis saw a man rush to the edge of the pool and heard him yell, "Hold your breath! Hold your breath!" Then a young lady joined him, screaming, "Turn on your back and float!" Their voices caught the attention of the lifeguard. Like a flash, he ran the length of the pool, jumped in, and pulled the man in trouble to safety. Later, the lifeguard said to Ms. Davis, "Why in the name of heaven didn't somebody holler that one word--Help? When someone's drowning, it's no time to teach him how to swim." Do you understand that there are people in our community who are barely staying afloat? Families are disintegrating, young people are becoming chemically addicted, and middle-aged people are facing life-crises that would blow your minds. What they need is good news of Jesus from zealous missionaries and pastors and committed Christians.

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